Soil Physics and Land Management Group

Research in the chair group Soil Physics and Land Management (SLM) addresses soil physical and hydrological processes at different temporal and spatial scales, and their central role in sustainable land and water management. Specific attention is given to flow and transport processes of water and solutes through and over the soil system, and their effects on crops, vegetation and the groundwater.

Our research

Research in the chair group Soil Physics and Land Management (SLM) addresses soil physical and hydrological processes at different temporal and spatial scales, and their central role in sustainable land and water management.

SLM education

The Soil Physics and Land Management group teaches a variety of BSc and MSc courses, ranging from soil physics and groundwater modelling courses to courses on impact assessment and policy aspect of sustainable land management.



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Houden we Nederland nat?
Ruud Bartholomeus on Atlas tv

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More publications

Soil 4 Life MOOC is online!

Learn why soil is so important, how it’s being threatened and what we can do to protect this natural resource so vital to our lives.

Click here to go to the website

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